Во организација на Универзитетот за туризам и менаџмент во Скопје се одржа 7-от Меѓународен научен конгрес „ICON BEST 2020” на тема : „АЛТЕРНАТИВНИ ПАТИШТА ЗА РАЗВОЈ НА ЕМЕРГИНИ ЕКОНОМИИ ВО ГЛОБАЛНОТО БИЗНИС ОПКРУЖУВАЊЕ”. На конгресот учествуваа врвни академски и експертски имиња од земјава и странство. Конгресот тематски и научно, преку истражувачки научни трудови, се осврна на анализата на светски трендови и случувања од областа на бизнисот, ...

DESCRIPTION The Journalism 360 Challenge is an open call for ideas using immersive storytelling to discover new ways to engage audiences and advance the field of journalism. Winners will receive funding for early-stage projects that help expand best practices for technologies including, but not limited to: 360 video, spatial audio, augmented reality, virtual reality and mixed reality. Projects might develop workflows for newsrooms, help ...

Description Applications are open for the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) Young Scientists Summer Program 2021. The program is designed for PhD students (ideally about 2 years prior to receiving their PhD) working on a topic compatible with ongoing research at IIASA and a wish to explore the policy implications of their work. Participants will be working under the direct supervision of an experienced IIASA scientist ...

DESCRIPTION The Clinton Global Initiative University is looking for higher education student leaders who are committed to take action in their community to address a pressing challenge. They are looking for undergraduate and graduate students across the world who are motivated to make a positive change in the areas of education, environment and climate change, peace and human rights, poverty alleviation, and public health. ELIGIBILITY You are ...

Description The Royal Society Entrepreneur in Residence (EiR) scheme aims to increase the knowledge and awareness in UK universities of cutting edge industrial science, research and innovation. The Royal Society Entrepreneur in Residence (EiR) scheme, part of the Science, Industry and Translation programme, aims to increase the knowledge and awareness in UK universities of cutting edge industrial science, research and innovation. The scheme ...

Volunteer Instagram Fulwisher Description Want to change the world for better, but not sure where to get started? Join Fulwish in this effort! Fulwish are a tiny team and they need your help to grow, and make the world better place to live. Fulwish are looking for a volunteer who can help them manage their Instagram profile. Fulwish is a platform where you can give away for free stuff you are not using and make someone really happy. Similarly, ...

Description Tired of feeling disconnected from politics? Feel that you have views to share on the major issues shaping our world? Chatham House is building a diverse community of young people from across Africa and Europe to join an international exchange with policymakers. Common Futures Conversations is a new initiative developed by Chatham House and was made possible by the Robert Bosch Stiftung. Its goal is to deliver innovative ways for ...

Eurovision Needs YOU! Volunteer Applications Now Open! The Eurovision Song Contest is not only a television show, it’s a mammoth event with thousands of people working on it. Every year the Host Broadcaster of the Eurovision Song Contest enlists the support of a team of volunteers to help ensure the event runs smoothly. Want to be a part of the action? If so, read on! Like so many large-scale international events, volunteers are an integral ...

Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методиј“ Фармацевтски факултет – Скопје распишува оглас за пријавување на кандидати за специјализации по следниве гранки на специјализација: А. Државни специјализации – Испитување и контрола на лекови 1 место – Токсиколошка хемија 1 местo – Фармацевтска технологија 2 места – Санитарна хемија 4 места Б. Приватни специјализации – Испитување и контрола на лекови 7 места – Клиничка фармација 2 места – Токсиколошка хемија 3 ...

DESCRIPTION The Swiss Re Foundation Entrepreneurs for Resilience Award recognises entrepreneurial initiatives that take innovative approaches to building resilient societies and realising the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. While resilience is the core theme of this annual programme, its specific focus changes from year to year. The 2021 Resilience Award focuses on innovative solutions that increase financial access to healthcare ...

GoCamp (The Biggest Educational Project in Ukraine) Description Do you have or would like to get volunteer experience? GoCamp is looking for English/German/French-speaking foreigners who would come to Ukraine and interact with the children in English/German/French languages, get a great time, new friends and unforgettable experience! You will get special training and opportunity to share experience in following spheres: STEAM (Science, ...

Description Volunteer Camp Iran is a part of International Student Week in Iran organized by the University of Tehran and Western Asian Development Institute. Participants will spend a week volunteering in a community service project and living with young people from around the world and can pick up some of the new volunteering experience in the Middle East, learn how to cook Iranian food and participate in many fun cultural excursions. In just ...

Description Universität Hamburg is the largest institution for research and education in northern Germany. As one of the country’s largest universities, he University boasts numerous interdisciplinary projects in a broad range of fields and an extensive partner network of leading regional, national, and international higher education and research institutions. Universität Hamburg supports its international students on their way to the successful ...

Description The Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI) is a partner in the project titled »Climate Change Management Through Mitigation and Adaptation (AdapTM)«, funded by Erasmus+ Capacity Building Programme of the European Union. As part of the project, the study program Smart Environment and Climate Change Management (SECCM) is being developed for the implementation of the European and Egyptian partner universities. The program is designed to ...

Description Applications are open for the Goethe-Institut International Coproduction Fund 2021. This funding is intended for coproductions by artists in the fields of theatre, dance, music and performance art, in which hybrid and interdisciplinary formats and the use of digital media may be key components. The target group comprises professional artists and ensembles abroad and in Germany, which demonstrably lack sufficient resources to realize ...

Description GoCamp is looking for English/German/French-speaking volunteers who would come to Ukraine and interact with the children in English, German or French, get a great time, new friends and unforgettable experience in schools! All volunteers will get special training and an opportunity to share their experience with young Ukrainian students while developing socially valuable projects, dealing with interesting tasks and challenges ...

16.11.2020, Скопје – До 100.000 евра финансиска поддршка ќе дава Бизнис Акцелераторот УКИМ на брзорастечки старт ап компании со развиен продукт и ќе им овозможи пристап до нови пазари. Бизнис Акцелераторот УКИМ (БАУ) ја лансира новата инвестициска програма за поддршка на старт-ап компании со висок потенцијал за раст и комерцијализација. „Ги повикуваме иновативни стартапи и бизниси во рана фаза, со значителен потенцијал за раст, да аплицираат за ...

DESCRIPTION Are you a talented designer that always has plenty of creative ideas and is also in love with environmental protection? Do you want to make a difference and bring a value to your free time? Green Sail, a European non-profit organisation based in Split (Croatia) that promotes sustainable tourism within the nautical sector, is excited to announce that they are looking for aDesigner/Illustrator interested in helping the organization ...

Description International UN Volunteers promote peace and development in communities around the globe while upholding the ideals and aspirations of the United Nations. You can contribute your time, skills and knowledge through volunteering with the UN. This is an opportunity to create a positive impact and be a significant force for achieving peace and development. Make a difference in the lives of many! ligibility 25 years old and older ...

Description Visegrad+ Grants support projects which contribute to the democratization and transformation processes in selected countries and regions, especially non-EU member states in the Western Balkans and the Eastern Partnership countries. With grants, they seek to advance innovative ideas that address shared challenges by high quality regional cooperation projects. Whether you are pursuing arts, work with vulnerable groups or focus on ...

Description FOMOSO offers two new voluntary internships this fall. As usual, the voluntary work will be based on remotely online working (home-⁠office) -⁠ no visit at the FOMOSO office needed. There is no age restriction and they are looking for interns from East-⁠Central and Southeast Europe but also from the whole Europe. We would like to focus on some people who like to work either on political or social media stuff. You can apply for 2 ...

Description The aim of this grant programme is to support doctoral projects in Germany. The funding can be awarded for a maximum of four years; the length of the grant is decided by a selection committee and depends on the project in question and the applicant’s work schedule. Grants are initially awarded for a maximum of one year. Extensions depend on whether the selection committee considers the previous award period to have been successfully ...

Description Innovate Grant is a new initiative that supports artists and photographers through quarterly grants. They believe that new ideas come from sparks of inspiration and aim to provide just that, access to small and mighty bursts of financial support so that you can focus on making your important and innovative work. Innovate Grant was created out of the frustration of applying to grants with time-consuming requirements. These lengthy ...

Description Applications are open for the GlobalGiving Accelerator Program 2021. The GlobalGiving Accelerator is a virtual training program and crowdfunding campaign that will help you take your fundraising to the next level. Following an optional one-week training curriculum, you’ll be entered into an Accelerator campaign where you’ll raise at least $5,000 total from a minimum of 40 different donors in order to graduate and secure a permanent ...

Description StartupXs has launched “ChangeMakers Seed Grant Opportunity 2021” for startups and social enterprises who want to change their community with their innovative business ideas. This year also the ChangeMakers Seed Grant Opportunity 2021 is about identifying and promoting the best early-stage business idea of innovators, startups, and social enterprises. ...

Description These grants support artists (individuals, collaborations, or collectives) to develop their practice. This program is specially directed to those inventing new forms of creating and sharing arts knowledge with others, and for those aiming to question the current arts making paradigm; therefore they encourage eccentric and critical proposals challenging traditional arts genres and discourses. Among other activities, the grants can be ...

Description Ever since the Peace Research Grants Fund was created in 2002, the IPRA Foundation has awarded grants to help fund peace research projects in places as diverse as Argentina, Bosnia, inner city communities in the United States, the Middle East, the Philippines, the Punjab, and Uganda. Please see Peace Research Grants 2002-2012 for details of the many wonderful projects they have funded from 2002 through 2012. The original “Small Peace ...

Агенција за недвижности „Новел Недвижности“ ДОО Скопје објавува оглас за пракса во одделот на продажба. Основни одговорности: – дневно ажурирање на база на податоци – изработување на понуди – коресподенција со сектор продажба – ажурирање на профили и календар на продажни агенти – контактирање и создавање/обновување на база од податоци – комуникација со вработени, реалзација на деловни активности. – континуирано следење на пазарот Потребни ...

Michael Giannulis is the chief executive officer of BPO USA as well as Pixx Media. He is also the co-owner of a leading real estate investment firm. He likes to share his business strategies including scaling tips with enthusiast entrepreneurs. Michael Giannulis is a skilled and successful entrepreneur and marketer who appreciates that education is without doubt the most essential and critical aspect as far as developing a successful career is ...

Our Internship program is open again and now we are looking for someone with basic experience in C/C++ and with great ambition in going deeper into these technologies. The ideal candidate is someone with a Tech-University degree or someone at the end of his studies, who has at least a short portfolio of home or school projects related to C/C++. Please apply to [email protected] and our HR department will contact the relevant candidates. ...

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